Dolores Montero, PT, DPT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA is President and founder of Montero Therapy Services, a geriatric professional practice and consulting firm for long-term care therapy professionals and skilled nursing facilities.
As a Doctor of Physical Therapy with over 30 years in the field of skilled nursing, Dolores’ experience includes management of in-house and contract therapy programs, Medicare and Medicaid program development, education, and consultation in the public, governmental and private sectors throughout the country. Dr. Montero was recognized by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist from 1999 through 2019, a designation that less than 2,700 physical therapists held nationally. Dr. Montero achieved Certified Resident Assessment Coordinator (RAC-CT) status in 2012 and continues to be recognized by the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN). In May 2019, Dr. Montero achieved the level of RAC-CTA, designating exceptional knowledge in the SNF RAI /MDS process and area of clinical reimbursement in the SNF setting.
In 2013, after 20 years of practice and management, Dr. Montero shifted her focus from resident caregiver, to serving her peers as a dedicated resource for all-things long-term care. MonteroTherapyServices.com, a Membership Website and training platform, was created to connect to SNF professionals across the country and continue to provide training, education, and support to optimize day-to-day operations. Over the years the practice has grown, with Members in all 50 states ranging from Rehab Managers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, PT/OT assistants, Speech-Language pathologists, and MDS Nurses.
In keeping with the platform’s compliance-based focus, Dr. Montero created the SNF Rehab Manager Certification Program in 2015. This nationally recognized training program provides education and resources in the 10 key areas that all SNF therapy professionals need to master: LTC Regulation, Medicare Part A, PDPM, the MDS 3.0, Quality Measures, Medicare Part B, Maintenance Therapy, Documentation & Coding, Appeals, and Balancing Business & Ethics. To date, 100% of the participants rate the program as “highly recommended to their peers.”
Dr. Montero is a 30+ year member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and APTA New York (NYPTA), and has served in various capacities on the Board of Directors at the District and State levels. In addition to consulting, Dr. Montero presents nationally on topics including rehabilitation management, ethics and reimbursement in the skilled nursing facility setting. Dr. Montero has been featured in articles from GoDaddy and the New York Physical Therapy Association Member Spotlight.