See why thousands of therapy and long-term care professionals are tuned in to our services.
Proudly serving over 2400 Therapy Professionals, Rehab Managers and MDS Coordinators in all 50 states.
Let us help you reach your goals!

Current Members
Who We Serve:
PT, OT & Speech Therapy Professionals
Over 2,000 past and present PT, OT and SLP therapy professionals have used our services, many who have been with us from the start.
Rehab Managers & MDS nurse Professionals
We’ve helped over 360 Rehab Directors and MDS Coordinators navigate the rules.
Skilled Nursing Facilities, Administrators, Billing and Coding Companies, Software Companies, Contract Rehab Companies, Educational Programs, students and more!
Membership prices
Options for all level professionals
$ Free
Annual Membership
Annual Membership
Facility (Group)
Annual Membership
Individual Member Access to 1-on-1 training
See if our 1-on-1 training sessions are right for you. If your goal is to understand the complexities of PDPM, ICD-10 Coding, Billing, or State Case Mix, or just to gain more confidence in 1 particular area in SNF therapy or MDS practice, we can help!